Link Building

Systematic Link Building

Links to your website from other websites are critical for ranking well in search engines. “Off page” factors have become more and more important to achieve high rankings. We can’t stress enough that link building is one of the most important factors in getting top placements on the major search engines.

Link building is the process of creating inbound links to your own website. This can be achieved by publishing articles in e-zines, mentions in newsletters, links in directories and search engines, etc. You can also request links, exchange links, and buy links.

Choosing who links to you is just as important as how many link to you! Let’s assume that you sell PC video cards. Having a link placed on a website focused on a related topic like computer games will increase the ‘quality’ of those backlinks from an SE perspective and naturally drive more qualified traffic to your website.

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How to Get Those Quality Links

High quality links are often only obtained through cooperation with other sites. A large number of quality links has a very positive effect on search engine ranking. Make link popularity building a part of your overall search engine marketing efforts. Note that paying for links and reciprocal linking are more effective than simply requesting uncompensated links from other sites.